Just like your automobile or truck, your recreational vehicle needs insurance. This is true whether you simply like to camp for a month every summer or use your RV as a snowbird all winter. We’re here to help San Diego RV owners find just the right insurance policy for their use and budget.
Finding the Ideal Policy for You
To help us find just the right policy for your RV and make sure your needs are covered, we will ask about a little information about your RV and how you use it:
By understanding more about your RV usage, we can work to keep your insurance costs reasonable while still giving you the coverage you desire. For example, a vacation liability plan treats your RV more like a dwelling if you stop and stay in one place for a while versus continually driving on the road.
Our agents will make sure you have at least the minimum liability coverage, plus whatever else you need covered, like pets and personal belongings.
We always look for places to save you money, like balancing your premium with your deductible, safe driver discounts, and combining your RV policy with other insurance coverage.
Contact The Insurance Place at 760-643-2100 today or get in touch online to learn more about insurance for your RV. No matter where you travel or how you use your RV, we’ll set up an insurance policy that protects you and your property and lets you travel with the peace of mind you need to enjoy your trip.